The Dream Lovers

Short Bio's of The Dream Lovers


John was born in Washington, D.C. He is a classically trained musician and composer and majored in Cello and Composition at University. He started playing guitar when he was 12. He cites his influences in the classical areas are far reaching and extensive. However, he cites his one most important influence in Rock as The Beatles. "Listen to them, study them, and you'll learn everything you'll ever need to know about song writing, production and creativity. Not only were they incredible song writers, but everything they did was infused with this ineffable quality called Musicality. It's not something that can be taught, it's not even something that can be defined, but you certainly know it when you hear it, and you certainly know it when it's lacking. This doesn't mean that there weren't other people who influenced me in terms of song writing because that wouldn't be true. It would be closer to the truth to say that, in one way or another, all songs have influenced me. I try to learn from each and every song I hear."

"I would love to write music for movies, both the film score itself as well as individual songs. To me, movies are the perfect blend of all things good--art, music, dialogue, photography--what more could you ask for?

John is a multi-instrumentalist who plays guitar, mandolin, bass, drums, keyboards, cello, and flute. He also sings lead and backup on The Dream Lovers' songs.

In addition to his Pop songs, John has also written a many classical pieces as well including a Violin Concerto, a Requiem and a symphony called "The Five Seasons" as well as various other chamber works. And, like the other two Dream Lovers, John is also very artistic and has won numerous awards for both his photography and his art.


Tasha was born in Dublin, Ireland. She cites her musical influences as also far ranging and includes such diverse influences as Bach to ah-Ha. She sings with a lovely alto voice and plays harp and percussion as well. She is also an incredibly gifted artist as well as dancer and actress, to name just a few of the things she is talented at.


Tina, of course, being an identical twin was born in Dublin, Ireland. However, she cites her musical influences among the more contemporary artists such as Madonna, She also plays harp and percussion as well. She is quite adventurous in her activities and likes to try new things. For example, she's flown a helicopter and kayaked down the Potomac River to name just a few (although, not at the same time!). Tina also shares Tasha's artistic abilities and loves to dance, sing, paint, and act. She is also an exceptional astrologer as well.

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